French translation of 'their'
Video: pronunciation oftheir

Examples of 'their' in a sentencetheir
Example sentences from the Collins Corpus
These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content.Read more…
Their main concern is the grandchildren and they hope that people will respect their privacy and remember them in their prayers.
Nor has it forgotten that its first duty is to cart a load of people and their luggage from place to place.
The egg industry still uses it in their feed as does the American trout industry.
Then He tells them to sell all their belongings and give their money to the poor.
Some churches charge rent for the use of their property, while others do not.
The soldiers inspected the house, found the hiding place and took all their precious belongings.
That was under way yesterday as families piled their belongings into cars and pick-up trucks and fled.
They also lay their eggs in people 's gardens.
And giving older people the opportunity to show how they can use their experience will make all the difference to business in the future.
Some people seem to have just upped and left, leaving their belongings behind for the rats and vandals.
Example sentences from Collins dictionaries
spend their time magnifying ridiculous details
He described their foreign policy as on hold.
Their lack of training could put members of the public at risk.
Their proposals were rather similar. the trees shed their leaves and the year begins to die.
They definitely don't want their children breaking the rules.
Their ideal society collapsed around them in revolution.
their strawberry gateau is temptingly fruity
their father made a fortune out of property development
Newts can regenerate their limbs.
Trends oftheir
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In other languagestheir
British English: their /ðɛə/ DETERMINER
You use their to say that something belongs to a group of people, animals, or things.
They took off their coats.
- American English: their
- Arabic: مِلْكُهُم
- Brazilian Portuguese: deles
- Chinese: 他们的
- Croatian: njihov
- Czech: jejich
- Danish: deres
- Dutch: hun
- European Spanish: su ellos
- Finnish: heidän
- French: leur
- German: ihr
- Greek: δικός τους
- Italian: loro
- Japanese: 彼らの
- Korean: 그들의
- Norwegian: deres
- Polish: ich
- European Portuguese: deles
- Romanian: lor
- Russian: их
- Latin American Spanish: su
- Swedish: deras
- Thai: ของเขาเหล่านั้น
- Turkish: onların
- Ukrainian: їхній
- Vietnamese: của họ
Translation of their from theCollins English to French
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sa or ses?
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Paul cherche lunettes.
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appelle or m'appelle?
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Je Jacques.
de or un?
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sa or ses?
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Paul cherche lunettes.
la or le?
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6 euros kilo
finis or finit?
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Je mes devoirs.
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