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        The INTO advantage

        Into Diff Hero
        Imagine a world in which:
        • higher education is not constrained by a lack of investment or resources;
        • a globally diverse student body has the appropriate academic support to acquire the knowledge, skills and perspectives needed to thrive in a rapidly changing world;
        • students and faculty strive to translate knowledge into solutions for some of the world’s most daunting challenges.
        An innovative partnership with INTO can bring that vision to reality. Here's how:

        Global expertise add

        Our global network of university partnerships spans three continents with thriving centers in the United States, United Kingdom and China.

        INTO founders Andrew Colin, John Sykes and Steven Smale are recognized leaders and innovators in the interanitonal education sector, with a combined 80 years’ experience between them.

        INTO leads the field in focusing on the academic success of the students it recruits for its partners. INTO partnership centers are integrated into the heart of each university campus, where students receive wrap-around support services for academic English, pathway programs and social and cultural integration to the wider campus community.

        2 Into Diff Expertise

        Global reach add

        In a partnership with INTO, your global reach is provided by 130 staff in 30 regional offices that manage over 600 recruitment partners in 75 countries.

        With an annual budget in excess of $65 million, INTO provides our partners with the largest and best trained student recruitment team in the world.

        They deliver consistent, year-around presence in all major global markets, implementing powerful recruitment campaigns and building greater brand equity for our partners, reinforcing their academic reputation while responding to the needs of international students and their families.

        Recruitment Offices

        International market knowledge add

        INTO's 24/7 global presence enables us to provide up-to-date market intelligence to our partners, informed by our day-to-day understanding of trends and influences, market opportunities and potential challenges.

        Our research unit works with our regional offices and marketing partners to guide each INTO partnership on its strategies for program development, service provision, marketing messaging and new investments.

        4 INTO Difference Knowledge

        Expertise in the design of innovative education programs and support services add

        INTO's years of focus on the student experience are passed on to each new partner, influencing program design that responds to the needs and expectations of international students.

        INTO partnership programs fulfil a transition and acclimatization purpose, building on the university's existing programs. This provides the most effective platform to support international students in their transition to the US higher education system.

        5 Into Diff Prog

        A culture of transparency and accountability add

        INTO is the only partnering organization in the US that provides detailed information on the performance of its partnerships in terms of enrollments, retention, progression into degree programs and graduation rates.

        This is inherent to our partnership model and a signal of our confidence in our continued, proven success and growth in the higher education sector.

        6 USF Casestudy Enrollment Profile

        A shared focus on student success add

        We believe the success of our partnerships is due to a shared focus on the student experience and their long-term success.  The long term nature of the partnerships enables us to make the scale of investment required to support our partners in the deliver of exceptional living and learning experiences for their students.

        INTO is privately owned and free from shareholder pressure. This in turn allows us to focus on student success as the engine that powers our partnerships.  It also ensures the long-term returns are not compromized through a lack of investment in establishing robust programs and comprehensive marketing reach and support.

        7 NCL Casestudy Outcomes Stud Perf

        Enhanced capacity for investment in state-of-the-art living and learning environments add

        INTO has invested over $250 million in capital projects and new on-campus infrastructure since 2008.

        This has helped to transform the student experience at our partner institutions in the US and UK. In 2011, INTO received a Higher Education Investor of the Year Award for our efforts in the UK.

        8 Into Diff Centers

        Global alliance of leading universities add

        The growing INTO network of universities currently provides its partners with an opportunity to explore common teaching and research agendas, collaborate on curriculum development and create innovative academic experiences for both international and domestic students. 

        Across the USA, UK, and China, INTO partners are developing new models for faculty and staff exchanges, collaborative study abroad, service learning, joint research and new programs.

        An unrivalled record of success add

        INTO has established various partnerships in the United States. The first six have delivered results substantially exceeding their targets when launched.

        They have grown international student enrollments faster than the US and state averages. According to Open Doors data, Oregon State University has grown international enrollments at more than six times the US average and the University of South Florida has grown at nearly three times the average.

        These successes also reflect INTO’s performance in the UK. International enrollments more than doubled over six years at the University of East Anglia, after INTO’s first partnership launched in 2006. Newcastle University, another INTO Russell Group partner, has also outpaced its peers, with 135% growth. Both universities now rank among the world’s top 1%.

        We believe no other partnering organization can claim any kind of proximity to the proven, documented results we deliver to our US partners.

        Osu Casestudy Growth Rates

        Unique approach add

        Our proven partnership model, based on the prinicples of shared mission and shared governance has enabled our partners to take advantage of the enormous global demand for high quality university education.  Our partnerships have delivered enrollment growth and student experiences unmatched across North America. 

        The university brings its brand; its faculty and academic programs; its core mission of teaching, research and engagement; its broad range of student services, and its physical infrastructure. INTO contributes financial resources, its global marketing networks, its operational and management expertise and, when needed, property investment and development experience.

        As partners we create a 50/50 partnership enabling the university to reach new markets and benefit from a more diverse campus community, supportive programs for international students and a long-term, sustainable income stream. 

        1 Into Diff Approach

        Imagine a world in which:
        • higher education is not constrained by a lack of investment or resources;
        • a globally diverse student body has the appropriate academic support to acquire the knowledge, skills and perspectives needed to thrive in a rapidly changing world;
        • students and faculty strive to translate knowledge into solutions for some of the world’s most daunting challenges.
        An innovative partnership with INTO can bring that vision to reality. Here's how:

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